Hep C travels to the brainI’m 66 and have had Hep C over 40 years. I’m now cured with Epclusa and 3 months post treatment. I’ve had severe fatigue and anxiety issues for 40 years...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatmentFatigueSymptoms
Does Hepatitis C Cause Weight Gain or Weight Loss?I had hep C for 6 years. I lost a tremendous amount of weight, nearly 100 lbs. I was treated with Harvoni and now I'm gaining the weight back. Has...Reactions0reactionsComments30 repliesSymptoms
Hepc long term I had hepc over 30 years .i took epclusa for 85 days in a row.and it worked as it should.hepc is gone.8 years later im having intestinal problems arthridis issues.and...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSide EffectsSymptoms
Everlywell test detected hep cMy primary dr hasn't confirmed yet. I have an appointment coming up. I took an at home everlywell test and it came back detected. I'm currently 45 yrs old and...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTips & AdviceSymptomsNewly Diagnosed
Periferial NeuropathyTreated hep c in 1999. picked up periferial neuropathy. anyone else?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptoms
Mavyvet so toxic I couldn't breathe Hyper viscous yellow going green infection thick Mucus by the 5th day. Re Hydration up high. With huge bottomless sinuses and sputum events every hour waking up to the violent...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSide EffectsHarm ReductionSymptoms
Can hepatitis C virus cause hair loss like thinning?Here my story.. back in 2017 I notice I start to lose my hair but not significant but now 2021 I lost most of at the crown. More like thinning...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsFatigue
Viral loadJust diagnosed and viral load is 2.27 million. Is this a high or considered dangerous? Also- would this be the reason Ive felt tired and nauseated for so long?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosisSymptomsNewly Diagnosed
Possibly exposed, so these symptoms sound concerning?When I was younger I made a stupid decision. I hated how I looked so the thought of trying in my brother’s blue contacts was exciting and trumped my thinking...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesExposure & TransmissionDiagnosisAwarenessSymptoms