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Possibly exposed, so these symptoms sound concerning?

When I was younger I made a stupid decision. I hated how I looked so the thought of trying in my brother’s blue contacts was exciting and trumped my thinking. Well the contact was bad and cut my eye leading to an infection. If it cut my eye it could have cut his too’is my worry.
Then following came the weird symptoms.
Acne that never came to a head that itches
Frequent urination
Always feeling like I was coming down with a cold but it would never peak
Shivers, migraines, digestion issues
Stools went from dark brown to light orange and fatty
Stabbing pain in ribs
Appearance of being pregnant
Tired constantly
Dizzy, weird head buzz that would come with stomach pain and then having to rush to the bathroom
High blood pressure
Toenails and corners of eyes turned orange yellow
Pain in back of leg
Mri showed fatty liver, no alcohol and great diet
Ultrasound showed enlarged thyroid with normal thyroid labs
Vomiting with stabbing pain in ribs
Itchy skin
Feeling weak
Internal vibrations
Confusion and brain fog
Sudden caffeine , nicotine, and thc intolerance
Random weight gain and weight loss

  1. Also would like to add this person tested positive for hep c

    1. Hey sending you my love. You've definitely been through a lot. Let me just say you are STRONG, despite all of that. Have you been able to get tested for Hep C? How long have you lived with all of these symptoms? - Jada team member

      1. Not yet because I didn’t think anything of it until he came positive of it. It’s been a couple years now . Honestly if it ends up being the answer I won’t be mad I’ll be relieved because something has been wrong and doctors don’t know why but they agree something is indeed wrong . Do these symptoms relate? I’ll seeing doctor Monday for blood order

        1. I really hope you get the answers you need and deserve after all of these years ❤️. We are not a medical community and I cannot provide any medical answers or assist with a diagnosis but I want to share more information to help you get better insights and understanding.

          I'll start with this article highlighting key symptoms of Hep C.

          Here's another article on symptoms fellow community members have said they experienced.

          And since you're getting some testing done on Monday I want to share this article on how Hep C testing is completed so you know what to expect.

          Please keep us posted with how things go on Monday! - Jada ( team member)

        2. Hi @Rocker.Chick1997, I'm glad you are going to see a doctor for testing. I know it can be scary, but it is so important to know what is going on in your bodies so that we can address it! I've included an article below about what you may expect with HepC testing. Hoping you get some answers soon! Please keep us updated -- we are always here for support! -Jessica (Team Member)

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