Epclusa treatment: What was your experience?So I’ve known I’ve had help c for about 16 years at this point. I’m finally going to start treatments on Monday and am very nervous. Can anyone please tell...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSide EffectsTreatment
Spotlight: DiagnosisHow were you diagnosed with hep C? Share here....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesNewly Diagnosed
What side effects has everyone experienced with Epclusa?I start Epclusa next week, the nurse at the clinic told me there were very few side effects with new treatments yet I keep reading that some people got really...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
I'm New Here: Just saying hi! Good morning! Just wanted to say hi! I joined these forums looking to connect with other people with Hep C. This is all new for me. I found out last...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosis
Liver issues after treatment: Fatty liver diseaseIt's 5 years since I was successfully treated for Hep C. Before and during my treatment I always showed "minimal to moderate” fibrosis after different testing and I was okay...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesLab TestsDiagnosis
I received a second opinion and was told I am positive for hep C antibodies... am I currently infected?I was diagnosed 3 years ago..my viral load was 360,000...genotype 1...no scarring all my liver testing and such was good. My question is I had a second opinion at Ohio...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Workplace exposure: could I have been infected?I work in construction and we have been metal framing and getting cut a lot on our fingers and hands. My partner has hepatitis C and I didn't know for...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesWork & EmploymentExposure & Transmission
I am recently diagnosed with hepatitis C. Will I be alright with treatment?Hello, I was just diagnosed with hep C ( only did the first HCV antibody test). I have a slightly enlarged liver from an ultrasound I had that I requested...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesNewly DiagnosedTreatment
I have hepatitis C. Is it safe for me to take the COVID-19 vaccine?I am 64 yr old female and have chronic hepatitis C at stage 1-2 mild damage. My questions are regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. Am I considered immunocompromised?Is the vaccine safe...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
What should eat and drink as a hepatitis C patient to avoid for further liver damage?Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiet & Nutrition