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Workplace exposure: could I have been infected?

I work in construction and we have been metal framing and getting cut a lot on our fingers and hands. My partner has hepatitis C and I didn't know for about a month. We have been sharing drills and tools while both of us have cuts on our hands. What are the chances I could get infected this way (cut to cut) or his blood on the drill when I grab it. If he has a fresh active bleeding cut and uses the drill or a hammer and then I immediately grab it with a cut on my hand in the same area, couldn't the infected wet blood get in my cut? Just trying to figure out what my chances of infection are. I was exposed about 6 weeks ago and I was tested (results were negative at 6 weeks).

  1. This is a good question. My best answer is yes, I guess Hep C can be transmitted that way. It would be in the "very rare" category.

    You're super smart to test for Hep early. I would wait a bit and get another test in a few months. In the meantime, don't let it stress you too much because there IS a cure now.

    Most of the time, the type of exposure you're talking about is similar to sharing personal items, or health care workers who are exposed to blood that is infected.

    By the way - is your construction buddy getting treatment any time soon? The meds are easy to get and work fast.

    Keep us posted,

    1. He has had it for years(found out because of jaundice). He has never had health insurance and for whatever reason never went to treat it. If in the off chance I was positive, how easy would it be to treat it asap? I have BCBS but I'm worried that they wouldn't cover me because I would have no liver damage at all and I would be healthy. Would I be able to treat it almost immediately after a positive test if my body didnt clear it?

      1. We are in upstate New York. BCBS insurance

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