Curious about treatmentsI have become nervous reading some testimonials about some bad side effects some people are experiencing for a long time after finishing hep c treatment. I am curious which treatment...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesSide EffectsTreatment
Scary having kidsI’m a paranoid wreck. I carried both of my babies and was lucky that they never got it. I was diagnosed at 29 years old. I am very careful about...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
My dad did not have proper treatment in 20 years agoWe are extremely sad that my dad passed away because there was no proper treatment 20 years ago. I came to know about this wonderful website very recently....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
Newly Diagnosed QuestionsHello Everyone, Can a cadaver bone transplant in a dental procedure cause hep c? Is a test result of ten million dangerously high? Thank you!...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiagnosis
Hep C travels to the brainI’m 66 and have had Hep C over 40 years. I’m now cured with Epclusa and 3 months post treatment. I’ve had severe fatigue and anxiety issues for 40 years...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatmentFatigueSymptoms
The New medicationsI am taking viekira pak because insurance would not cover Harvoni. I am undetectable after 8 weeks. I must stay on it for 24 weeks due to cirrhosis. I tried...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Does Hepatitis C Cause Weight Gain or Weight Loss?I had hep C for 6 years. I lost a tremendous amount of weight, nearly 100 lbs. I was treated with Harvoni and now I'm gaining the weight back. Has...Reactions0reactionsComments30 repliesSymptoms
I still itch after finishing all my pills for 8 weeksWhy would l still be itching after l completed my 8 weeks of pills ? It's been 3 months now and still breaking out. My doctor said it's gone but...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSide Effects
Lost, an not knowing how long I've had this. Will I know just about how long I have had this? Say, 15 years compared to 2 years?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTips & AdviceNewly DiagnosedLab Tests
Recently learned I have hep c My journey started when I was having issues with my platelets count so my primary doctor sent me to a hematologist and he diagnosed me with ITP. And ordered blood...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesCirrhosisCopingNewly Diagnosed