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Possible infection 48 years ago from transfusion

My wonderful mum is 76 years old. 48 years ago she had a blood transfusion after child birth. I’m really worried that she may have hep c. Over the years bloods have been ok accept for slightly elevated bilirubin so presumed Gilbert’s syndrome. She doesn’t have any major red flags of liver disease but does get tired but maybe just getting older. She still looks very young for her age. I don’t want to stress her out by insisting she gets tested I’m- I have mentioned it over the years. But I’m wondering is there any point in treatment after such a long time? Will there be too much damage now? Any success stories after such a long time?

  1. Hi . It is never too late to get tested and treatment is most always worth it, even more so if she is not showing any obvious signs of liver disease after all these years. You will find lots of people in this community who lived for decades with hep C infections before being successfully treated and are doing well. The test is really simple. She can ask for it at any doctor's appointment. Would it help if you asked her to get tested for your sake, to give you peace of mind? Hugs! - Lori (Team Member)

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