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viral count

i just recently got diagnosed with hep c im in a rehab been here 2 weeks im a alcoholic i havent used a needle for 2 yrs i think i caught it from sex but my viral count after a week of being diagnosed was 314000 is that a high count.

  1. Years ago the doctors would not treat you with Interferon and other meds until your count was at 1,000,000 so you are almost half there. But with the newer drugs they can and will treat you with much lower count.. Mine was at around 100,000 and was cured using Harvoni. It is a miracle drug to me.

    1. Hi Kyle740,

      Thanks for reaching out and for being a part of our community! Recommend talking your viral count through with your healthcare team for more information. As Myofb1 mentioned, there are many newer treatments available. In the meanwhile, here's some information to check out about viral load and lab tests. Wishing you the very best!


      Kelly, Team Member

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