Starting Hep C Treatment in Summer: Best Tips

Many people think it doesn’t matter when you start taking your hep C pills. I say it all depends on a few factors, like where you live, what you do for your job, and how healthy your liver is.

I looked at all those things and still started my meds in the summer. If you are starting hep C treatment in the summer, here are some of my best tips to help save you from trouble.

Before starting treatment

Your doctor may look at the overall health of your liver before beginning treatment. They will look at your blood pressure, heart rate, and lab results. It’s fairly common to ask for an ultrasound or even a liver biopsy or scan.

My doctor asked about my job situation. I work inside where there is air conditioning.

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Of course, after work and on days off, I have to think about how to stay rested and comfortable. If you work outdoors or in a place with no air conditioning, talk it over with your medical team.

Where I live, it can get pretty hot in the summer, so there were things to consider. For example, I live near a lake where everybody hangs out. Getting on a pontoon boat and floating around are my favorite pastimes. I slowed some outdoor activities down during the heat of the day.

Summer hep C treatment advice

Stay hydrated

Drinking at least 60 ounces of water a day is important. That’s about eight glasses of 8 ounces each.

I have a 20-ounce water bottle that I refill three times daily. If you are going to be outside and sweating, you can adjust and take in more fluids.

Listen to your heart

During times of high activity, your heart gets exercise just like a muscle does. It’s great to get some cardio time in.

If you are going to be outdoors playing ball or going for a walk, watch the time of day. Early in the morning, like before 10 a.m., will be much cooler. After 6 or 7 p.m., the sun begins to set, making it a great time for outdoor activity.

Eat healthy foods

When you're hot, it's easy to lose your appetite. Remember, getting enough protein to help your body repair has never been more important.

While your liver is healing from hep C, be sure to get plenty of the right foods to nourish your whole body too. Keep meat for a quick sandwich handy. A cool salad with fresh veggies is great, too.

Dress for success

If you are in a warmer environment, wear breathable fabrics. Avoid heavy polyester clothing because it can hold heat.

Staring my hep C treatment in the summer meant that I wore a lot of loose shirts and pants. I also stayed in the shade or wore a hat while at outdoor events.

Some of you are looking to start your treatment soon, and I hope these tips will help you stay cool while getting cured of hep C. They helped me when I became Hep C-free.

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