Music Heals Our Soul

Are you ever somewhere and a song comes on, and you immediately connect to it? The rawness of emotions is tied to it, whether the beat of the music or the words being sung out.

Some sounds, such as anthems or marches, can connect crowds of people together. Think about the last time you were at a game, and the national anthem began.

You probably felt a sense of togetherness with others around you.

Or how about a song that can put a smile on your face thinking of a happy event surrounding it? The same is true for a painful memory triggered by music.

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Music can help you through the hard days

For my hepatitis c journey, in the beginning, most of the songs were slow, mellow, and soothed my dark days then. It mimicked the same feelings I had just been diagnosed with and feeling sorry for myself. 

That music then turned into a stronger beat, with lots of drums. Once I got through that dark time, my song and music choices were turned to a favorite of Tina Turner's “Simply the Best.”

This song has a beat that can pump up the heart rate and get the blood flowing. Research has shown that choice of music plays a key role in your overall health. 

It can possibly lower blood pressure and could provide improved blood flow. 

It has also been used in dementia and Alzheimer's patients. A song will be played, and these patients will come alive if the song was a memorable one for them. They are connected.

Using music as a form of therapy

Music is therapy for any soul. If you need support or comfort, try turning the radio on and finding music that relaxes and calms you.   

You may, however, be ready for your fight song. You will feel it once you hear it. You connect in a way that cannot be described.

Bring those earbuds to your next doctor appointment, sit back, and relax before going in. I found this to be my saving grace regarding my white coat syndrome.  

My blood pressure was a lot lower, and I had my mind clear to entertain the instructions given to me by the doctor.

What has been your fight song?

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