In my experience now almost 10 years. It feels like a light headedness and everything is slow motion. My movements feel slow, my speech and my thoughts are very slow.
At times I open my mouth to speak and nothing comes out. Like the link between my brain and my voice is disconnected.
During my last very serious H.E. (hepatic enchephalaphathy) episode, I was at work. It began with me feeling groggy and tired. I took my medication prescribed for this from my doctor but it was not working fast.
I emailed my co worker cause I was too weak to get out of my chair. Then texted my daughter.
That is the last I remember anything. After waking up in the trauma unit at the local hospital I was told my email to coworker was not in complete sentences and she was one who found me at my desk, out of it.
My daughter said the text was garbled and she knew (as I taught my kids what to do if I had an episode) She got to my work in time to let the EMT's know my condition. That helped them out so much as they were thinking I was in some diabetic coma.
I do better with my diet (low red meats) more veggies, fruits and lots of water.
This is a serious condition and I have personally had a close friend pass away by going into a coma his episode was so bad and ammonia levels were off the charts.
Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. There is medication to help your liver filter out the toxins trapped in your body and are settling on the brain causing the fog.
Kimberly Morgan Bossley - Moderator