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How does everyone take care of their skin?

  1. I have tried various lotions, creams and nothing really soothed that itchy dry skin until I tried coconut oil (refined). I find it in the baking isle of my local grocery store. I add a few drops of lavender oil for fragrance. Not only does lavender sooth itchy skin but smell wonderful too. Best remedy I have found after 14 years of battling symptoms of hep c / liver disease.

    Not without a FIGHT! ~HCV~(c)
    Kimberly Morgan Bossley

    1. Hi Kim...i have just found out back in April that i have active epC. I contacted it from blood transfusion 22yrs ago. So at 44then and now 66...imagine how long i have dealt with the dry skin, hair, nails, eyes...i cant imagine NOT having these problems and be normal again??!! I am very familiar with coconut oil and use it for many beauty rituals. Have you ever heard of " oil washing" your face? Apply very warm washcloth over face, then apply a thin layer of coconut oil over face massaging it a bit. Put warm cloth over face again. Then just wipe over your face. Omg your face skin will feel so soft, clean, yet not oily. It works best in morning when skin is not really dirty yet needs rinsed and moisturized. Let me know what you think.

  2. this is a great beauty tip! Thanks for sharing. I am glad to hear it has been helpful to your skin. Please feel free to share more if you have them. Best, Lauren ( Team)

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