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I have 11m viral load

Is 11m viral load incurable? I see on google high viral loads are hard/impossible to get rid of? Am I going to die lol? Sorry I just found out yesterday I’m positive for hep c and can’t get a specialist appointment yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have no symptoms as of yet.

  1. Hello
    I am of zero knowledge on your question but have had Hep C and been treated in 2006 and found cured. At the time a biopsy showed considerable fibrosis and stage 3 portal damage. Recent scans show major improvement 13 years later .The treatment was tough but worth it. There are new drugs for Hep C now so don't panic and stay positive . Beat wishes

    1. Hi i am cure hepatitis c by interferon
      My viral load is zero
      Can to tell i used milk thistle is it safe

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