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Does pool chlorine kill Hep C HCV?

I used the pool jet the night before to masturbate in my butt. A lot of mucus usually comes out of my butt when I get worked up. Anyway, there was def some floaters and white little tiny boogers floating around the next day. Needless to say, a family member and baby came by to go swimming the next day (13 hours later). Btw, we usually keep the pool high in free chlorine.

My question is - what are the chances of the baby and/or the adult getting hep c from the rectal mucus floating around the pool? It could touch their eye or scab.

  1. There was a lot of it floating around but prob I was the only one that noticed since the pieces were very tiny and some were transparent / floating on top. Some were floating 1 foot near the surface of the water.

    PS. I didn't bleed into the pool, just the rectal fluid.

    1. EDITED (read this one): I used the pool jet the night before to masturbate in my butt. A lot of mucus usually comes out of my butt when I get worked up. Anyway, there was def some floaters and white little tiny boogers floating around the next day. Needless to say, an and kid (3 years) came by to go swimming the next day unannounced (13 hours later).

      Btw, we usually keep the pool high in free chlorine.

      My question is – what are the chances of the kid and/or the adult getting hep c from the rectal mucus (I didn't bleed into the pool - just a lot of floating booger like mucus around the pool? Could it touch their eye or scab? I know swallowing water wouldn't do anything since the stomach acids.

      1. Hi , thanks for sharing your situation with us. Hepatitis C is passed when blood from someone with the virus gets into the bloodstream of someone who doesn't have HCV. We have this page that discusses the risk for transmission, including for sexual contact. If you did not bleed in the water, transmission risk is likely quite low. I hope this clarifies things. Feel free to reach out with additional questions–though I do just want to mention that we can't as a platform provide medical advice and recommend connecting with a doctor if you have concerns. Be well, Matt (Team Member,

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