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Can heterosexual partners forgo condoms

My fiancé has HepC but is convinced that since we are a monogamous heterosexual couple there is no risk for transmission. Is this true?

  1. Hi , If your fiance has an active hep C infection, there is a risk of transmission even if you are in a monogamous, heterosexual relationship. Although the risk of hep C infection from sexual contact is low, it is still possible. Hep C is transmitted via blood-to-blood contact, so exposure to blood during sexual contact (or any other activity) can increase risk. Please be careful, and use protection if possible. This article has some additional information about hep C transmission:

    Is your fiance considering getting treatment soon? We strongly encourage them to speak with a doctor to get treated as soon as possible. Untreated hep C can cause major health complications like cirrhosis. This article provides some information about hep C treatment:

    I hope this was helpful!
    -Jessica, Team Member

    1. Great answer! I got hep c from my (I thought monogamous) partner. It was not sexual contact and was abusive but I was careful he was not.

    2. , I am so sorry this happened to you. I am sorry you were in an abusive situation and I hope you are in a better place now, physically and emotionally.

      Thank you for sharing.

      Best, Erin, Team member.

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