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Mavyret side effects

Just started my 3rd week of mavyret. No side effects the first week. The second week to now has been bad. I walk across the room and feel like I just wind sprinted. Difficult breathing, tightness of chest, and lungs burning. Do not like this stuff, feels like it's going worse everyday!

  1. Hi. I am so sorry you are feeling so awful. The common side effects of mavyret are: headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and weakness/lack of energy. It sounds like this is possibly what you are experiencing. If the side effects are more than bothering you just a little bit, please call your treating doctor and discuss it with him/her. Please feel better soon. (Sue, Community Moderator)

    1. Went to to the er, they said I'd had mild heart attack

      1. Still in the hospital, the gave me a stint. Hopefully going home tomorrow. Thanks for the kind words. 👊

        1. I am starting a third week on Mavyret. I've had Hep C for 30 years. I was diagnosed with Hep B 30 years ago but my system managed to clear itself of it. I contracted both while I was a teenage drug addict (have been clean for 30 years now). I am taking Wellbutrin (Bupropion) and except tremendous fatigue, I am facing nasty anxiety, depression, and grief attacks every day. I wonder if someone experienced the same and could share some insight or piece of advice. Thank you so much.

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