Spotlight: Questions and Answers from the Hep C Community

Do you have questions about hepatitis C? Whether you're newly diagnosed, in treatment, or living with the long-term effects of the virus, hepatitis C can be confusing.

Get help!

To help address your most pressing questions and concerns about hepatitis C, check-out our Q&A's and forums! Our Q&A and forums pages provide a place to ask questions, share information, and connect with others. To prepare for May's Hepatitis C Awareness Month, we're highlighting some of our hep C conversations, and asking you to share your thoughts!

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We want to hear from YOU!

Share with us...

What is brain fog really like? Click here to answer!

How do you stay connected with your community? Click here to answer!

Are you a caregiver for someone living with hepatitis C? Click here to answer!

How are you practicing self-care or self-love? Click here to answer!

Want to ask a different question? Click here to get started! Thank you for being a part of the hepatitis C community.

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