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Can anyone give me some advice or counsel on testing resistance to Zepatier?

My NP wanted me to try Zepatier because I'm on a PPI for reflux (caused by a hiatal hernia). Found out I am resistant to it so am assuming I'll take Harvoni. I'm so worried that the Harvoni won't be as effective even if I go on an H2 blocker. Can anyone give me some advice or counsel on this? I just want to start my treatment and I'm so frustrated by this latest development!

  1. Hi Lelia,

    We're so sorry to hear everything you're going through. Others in the community might be able to share their experiences with Harvoni. In the meanwhile, we have more information about the treatment here: Keep us updated on how everything goes! Wishing you the very best!!!

    - Kelly, Team Member

    1. Thank you for your input. I'm actually resistant to Harvoni as well so my NP is putting me on Epclusa. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

      1. Hi Leila! Ahhh I see! Hopefully others can chime in about their experience with Epclusa, however, in the meantime, I've found this article that talks a little about it that you may find interesting! Please keep us posted on how everything is going! We're thinking of you, and sending positive thoughts your way!

        -Casey, Team

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