Living With a Chronic Condition & Dating

How does living with a chronic condition like hepatitis C impact dating? Hear from four Health Union contributors: Marisa Lauren Troy, who lives with inflammatory bowel disease; Alisha Bridges, who lives with plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; Rick Nash, who lived with hepatitis C for years and is a liver transplant recipient; and Samantha Mixon, who lives with metastatic lung cancer. Listen to the podcast interview to hear their stories, the challenges, and the laughter, as they share how they approach dating while living with a chronic condition.

Living With is a podcast by Health Union that explores what it's like to live with a chronic condition. Contributors to Health Union communities share how they cope with trying symptoms and treatments, as well as how their daily lives are impacted by their health conditions. Their courage and resilience are inspiring, offering wisdom that transcends dealing with health issues and gives insight on how best to deal with any kind of challenge.

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