Got It Bad for Now, but Not Forever

"Got it bad for now, but not forever." Does that sound familiar, or is it all going great for you? Chances are that you have some good with some bad, or at least what feels like bad right now. If only recently diagnosed, and still doing your best to get your head around what it means. You probably have a lot on your mind. Maybe not, and maybe you are the sort of person who can take things like this in your stride.

Dealing with a hep C diagnosis

Whatever your response is, it is yours to own and deal with. That doesn’t mean you need to deal with it alone, at least entirely on your own. Some of us prefer that approach, and to be honest, that was my own initial response. As time went along it was evident to me that help was a good thing, so I searched and without too much trouble, I found a place online where I could get some answers that made sense and provided some hope. Hope is one of the most important things when it comes to feeling unwell, sick, or otherwise bad. Believing that we can and will get better can sustain us through some rough times, indeed. Hope alone won’t make us well or cure a virus but it does help, and of this I am absolutely positive.

Getting help and starting treatment

No matter how bad you feel now, there is a very good probability that you can and will get much better with the support you need and the care and treatment there is now available. Granted it is not so easy to find these things in minutes, but perseverance and hope will keep you trying, and trying is something only we can do for ourselves, no matter how much outside help we have. Not giving up, regardless of how tough it is, goes a long way. If you have a religious faith, that can also provide ways to stay the course and maintain the hope that you can and will get well again.

Managing pain

Pain adds another dimension to our quality of life, and some of us deal with it better than others. Acute pain is by its acute or temporary nature is easier for all of us. I don’t mean it is easy and can be intense for even those with the greatest tolerance for pain. Seeing an end in sight goes a long way towards staying positive and encouraged. Chronic pain is a whole different story, as some of us know too well. Knowing that something is likely to get worst never helps to lift our spirits, but we need to still come to grips with the reality of living with it, in some way.

With recent changes in how pain remedies like pharmaceuticals are dispensed or not dispensed has definitely posed some additional challenges for those among us who need that kind of approach. Yoga and some other similar activities may work well for some, but for others it is not even possible, and can even make their pain worse. It is best to consult with your doctor when starting or looking at any new physical program. It can help in amazing ways, but it is not always helpful for everyone.

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