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From Kim: COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Recently, I wrote about my liver doctor suggesting I wait to be vaccinated against COVID. This was his suggestion due to the stage of my liver and his uncertainty about the length of time the vaccine has been available and length of time it was in clinical trials. Several months ago, he suggested that I hold off a little while until more information and study outcomes became available. However, last month he attended a liver council meeting, updating doctors about the vaccine and immune compromised liver patients. He made a call to me the very next day, sharing that it was now time for me to be vaccinated.

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My COVID vaccine experience

I called up my employee health department at the hospital for which I work at and got scheduled in to get my vaccines. The first dose went very well. I will admit I was terrified of the side effects, as I have heard both good and bad ones. I waited the set time after administration of my dose - 15 mins. Feeling just fine, I left and went on to work my normal shift that day. I woke up next day expecting to feel horrible (I guess?) and NOTHING... No pain, no sickness, nothing. My arm was sore where the shot was given, but that was it!

I have since gotten my second shot and the same outcome happened. I felt completely fine and did not have anything to complain or report back to my liver doctor (he was calling me to see how it went). I am continuing to feel great and nothing to report back on my vaccine.

I think with how this pandemic is going, I made the correct choice (for me!) to get vaccinated. So many people now want to be critical and voice opinions on other people's health choices, but in my opinion, everyone has the right of choice. We just need to keep in mind that those holding back from getting the vaccine should continue to take precautions of wearing a mask and washing hands often and well - something I personally believe we all should still be doing too.

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