It Is OK To Not Be OK All The Time

Juggling life and health issues can be very difficult. There are things I know I used to be able to do and accomplish prior to getting sick, but now fighting to just wake up and brush teeth is hard somedays. Those who have never had a serious health issue have very hard time knowing what this feels like. Your life you once knew is no longer and it feels like you were thrown into this world of chaos, cloudiness, and fatigue. The body hurts and things around you still needs to be done. For me, my mother duties of caring for my kids, laundry, dinners, packing lunches not to mention handling my own schedule of running a business and doctor appointments.

We all have tough times

You can see this around us in our daily lives. For me, at the grocery store recently, I happened to check-out behind a lady going through chemo. Her cart full and little kids in tow. Clearly, she was not really wanting to be there and I am sure was mustering up every ounce of energy to get through the day as a wife and mother. I know for me, I had several good friends offer to help me with everyday things, but I was stubborn and felt it needed to be done by me. That me trying to keep my kids; life as normal as possible was what my family needed from me.

Getting through the hard moments

There will come a point in time you feel you are at the end of your rope and life is crushing down on you. Before things get to this point, from experience, I ask you confide in a close friend or partner; Share these trapped feelings and ask for a little bit of help. Don’t let your pride overtake your health. You will end up far worst than just a health crisis. Your mental state will now be altered as well. A good friend gave me this advice, “It is OK to not be OK all the time”. This has helped me know I am not failing as a mother, friendm or partner if I need help. This was HUGE for me to grasp.

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