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Medical providers don’t believe I have no HCV

I have positive HCV antibodies but have never had a positive active virus test. All knowledgeable doctors tell me they suspect I cleared the virus on my own and that I have nothing to worry about. However medical providers keep putting active infection on my records if I even dare mention the positive tests. They refuse to believe that I have never been shown to have active virus. What is up with that and what can I do about it?

  1. Hi fdnt. Do you try to educate the doctor about the testing algorithym? If not can you explain it simply like this.....I was exposed to hepatitis C and therefore have antibodies. I do not have heptitis C because on my RNA test, I have no virus detected. That means either my body fought off the virus without treatment, or it was a false positive. I cannot transmit the virus as I do not have it.

    If they will not take your word for it, try asking one of those knowledgable doctors send a letter to your other providers.

    I hope one of those ways will work for you. If it doesn't perhaps someone can put it in writing and you can carry copies of the explanation to hand to a doctor who does not understand. Please let us know if any of the suggestions work. ~ Sue, Community Moderator

    1. There is a really good flow chart that you could copy and use that the CDC puts out.

      Sue, Community Moderator

      1. Thank you!

        1. Thanks

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