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Lab Results

I’ve had puzzling lab results for Hep C and not sure my current doctors are taking the results seriously.

In September 2022, I had a reactive antibody test.

Second test in November 2022, the antibody test was NON-reactive, but positive for RNA, although not enough RNA to identify a genotype.

At this point I was referred to a gastroenterologist. The doctor was puzzled by the previous results and wanted another test. Third test in March 2023 was non reactive for antibodies. Doctor wants another test to reconfirm, then said if it is negative, “I can go about my life.”

I asked about any cross reactivity from other infections and the doctor didn’t seem aware of any other infections that can cause the test to be positive. They seem to think I’ve had two false positives (one antibodies false positive and a false positive RNA test).

I just don’t believe I’ve had two faulty lab results and I’m not willing to let this go without further evaluation. Does any have any insight on cross reactivity from another infection or can you suggest which type of specialist can help me dive deeper into why this would happen?

All other labs, including liver enzymes are normal.

Thank you for reading.

  1. Hi, !

    I have to be honest ; much like your doctors, your situation has me stumped. I don't think I have come across a situation quite like yours.

    I can't give medical advice, for your safety, but I will tell you what I tell every member of our community when it comes to pursuing health concerns. No one knows your body as well as you do. And, if you feel like something's wrong, well, I would listen to that internal voice and keep pushing for answers.

    As far as pursuing further testing, my suggestion would be to contact Help-4-Hep -- They are knowledgeable and should be able to help you make a game plan going forward.

    I am sorry I can't offer more specific input, but I would stick with your gut instinct.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Erin,

      Thank you for your response. I appreciate your encouragement and advice to advocate for my health. Thank you as well for the help 4 hep resource. I’m going to keep pressing on for answers.

      1. Continue to advocate for yourself until you find the answers that you need. Sometimes it takes many tries until you receive the results or answers you need. Hope you receive answers to your questions soon by a medical professional. Continued good health. Leslie (Community Moderator)

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