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I have leg cramps: what can I take for relief with hepatitis C?

  1. Hi Dawn, thanks for sharing your question with the community. I am linking an article from our advocate, Karen, who discusses leg cramps and relief. Karen recommends staying hydrated, stretching, and considering vitamin supplements, including magnesium. We also posted this on our Facebook page and received hundreds of comments discussing at-home remedies too, such as mustard, Gatorade, etc. Those can be found here. Best, Matt (Team Member,

    1. Hi Dawn,
      I am sorry to hear that you too experience the leg cramps and pain. I have lived with this over a decade now. I agree to stay hydrated however, I find a fast and easy cure to relieve the pain.
      Put a towel or large blanket in the dryer on high for a couple minutes. Remove and immediately wrap up in it. It provides a quick relief. I also will draw a warm bath to get my pain under control. It has become a daily ritual for me now. I hope this helps
      Kimberly Morgan Bossley - Moderator

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