Wonderful question! The CDC recommends baby boomers to get tested for Hepatitis C at least once, and if you are at risk, to be tested regularly. Please see this article from our website for more information; https://hepatitisc.net/living/baby-boomers/. Although this is something that may cause you anxiety to find out, we want you to know that you're not alone. We appreciate your question as well as you being a part of our community!
Corinne Miga Moderator
Baby boomers are people born between 1945-1965. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends Hepatitis C testing among this age group as baby boomers have higher rates of Hepatitis C infection, however are often unaware. Attached is a link that provides more information about Hep C testing for baby boomers: https://hepatitisc.net/living/baby-boomers/