Wish someone would have found it

Was notified Saturday, I have Hep C and cirrhosis of liver. I haven't drank since the 80's. I am 51 years old..now the kicker.

Evidently not good idea to get only tattoo in 1982 at a heavy metal rave. I have had good jobs, good insurance, even a shop owner with insurance..been to doctors many times since that time. I've had leg shocking test, cancer tests, upper and lower GI's, etc. Been told several times "symptoms in my head."

5 years ago, I lost my job for fatigue, concentration issues. I have made it 5 years being FLEA marketer. Now I'm not employable and have no insurance. An off-duty doctor overhearing my case got the ER to blood test and CT me..positive for long term Hep C and bad liver cirrhosis. I couldn't pay, so they said "live every day like it's your last..." and was sent home with no follow ups or any medicine. Why in the HELL wouldn't some doctor test for Hep C in 34 years...

I'm OK with dying, what pisses me off is now I'm broke and no insurance. I spent a lot, trying to find this...I'll never see the social security, I paid into for 29 years. Now govt and doctors have no problem hanging me out.

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