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Journey To Heal

My story started 8 1/2 yrs ago. You all know the drill. Routine blood test, then series of questions...the labs come back with high enzymes. More tests, prove positive for Hep-C. More questions, how could I have this? and what the hell does this mean?......Viola! I had some tattoos in the 80's when my mom I thought my purple roses would help me to always have her near me. What I did not know is...that I was putting my health at risk. 30 years later, I find out I have the virus ~ AND stage 4 cirrhosis! Battled the first treatment cocktail for almost a full year. This is where all the strengths you forgot you had, come to test. 6 months later, the virus comes back. Dr. Gives "us" (my dear husband and I) the heads up that a new treatment = Harvoniwill be available. Waited a year...then did it. After enduring the last ugly treatment...this new one was a piece of cake!

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I am now HEP-C free. I pray that anyone else out there, reading this...keeps the faith, stay strong and "fight the good fight" because you WILL get thru this!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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