I found out in 1992 I had a form of hepatitis they called it abhep..or somthing

The news came on and said anyone who had a rhogam injection between 85 and 88 to come in for a aids test... back then it was a two week waiting period.. it seemed like forever but my results were in as no on aids but I had a form of hepatitis I can't remember what they called AB or AD.. any way they said not to worry I'm just a carrier.. lol well time went on so did life. I had four kids in five years so I was quite busy. Decided to donate blood for a blood drive in my child school 1995.. whoops I had hep c.. went to the Dr. At that time was told not to worry many people have it and are fine.. they just wanted to keep an eye on my liver enzymes. ..later I kept having medical problems so I was put on ribo/Interferon yucky stuff.. and it worked out at first. Titer was 0. Then RA, osteoporosis, mini strokes, falls that broke my back etc. Led to a whole new medical world. My choroid arteries are rebuilt. I'm on blood pressure meds blood thinners.. and my viral load is around 34 million and climbing. As I read on the information blogs. I'm sure hep c is the culprit to most of my medical issues.. including lupus Sle... how can I get a letter to my doctor from this sight?? Life's a mess.

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