People gather around a larger than life cake with a number 5 on the side.

It's Our 5th Anniversary!

March 2020 marks the 5th anniversary of! We wanted to focus on the impact our online community has made on people living with hepatitis C.

Since our launch, the hepatitis C community is noticeably different. Treatment options have changed– with more varied, shorter, and more effective options available. We are hopeful that more and more patients will be able to get treatment, and get cured! In the past year, people who have or have had hepatitis C are experiencing fewer barriers to organ donation as regulations change; In 2018, for example, nearly 2,000 HCV-positive organs were transplanted.

There are also changes among the hepatitis C community. While, historically, Baby Boomers are the largest group diagnosed with hepatitis C, people aged 15 to 24 are among the fastest growing population with the virus. In part, this shift is associated with hep C transmission via drug use.

To recognize our 5th anniversary, we want to share some of the highlights from the last year and extend a big thank you to all our community members and advocates. Community members shared what brings them to; Here’s what they had to say:

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To learn and get hepatitis C information

“Today, I am active in the community and although I can’t do what I once did, it’s ok. I have found what I can do and that’s how I live. As long as we breath, there’s hope. I went from knowing virtually nothing about a debilitating disease to learning how to live peacefully with it. My hope is that you can also do this because we are more than mere survivors, we are true thrivers. So let’s thrive, my fellow heppies.”

“I was down and depressed for 2 days and worried if I had the hep C virus. But by joining the, I really see that there are caring and sharing people in the world who are real and understanding. I want to continue to stay supportive in this Hep community.”

To hear other people’s stories and share experiences

“It’s always nice to read your posts. You seem to have a knack of knowing what is relevant. With the holidays approaching it’s always a hard time for me and many others. Your post is a reminder for me to take extra care of myself in order to get through the family activities.”

“I just needed to say that I absolutely love your articles. They always hit exactly how I do feel or have felt throughout my years of having hep C & all the years even after being cured. I wish these articles would’ve existed especially when I was living with hep c so I could’ve seen that what I was going through physically & especially mentally”

“, thank you... you are my life-line. I’ve read so much in the forums and attempted to share my stories, but I just can’t find a way to finish... so I stopped writing - yet still believing I’ll get it ‘out’ eventually.”

To provide and receive support

“After receiving so much support from this group, I only want to share my story to help others by soothing their fears, answering questions and offering as much comforting help as I possibly can.”

“The meds I take for it had no effect due to interferon & ribivarin. I still question how effective they are now. But I’m alive! Sometimes, I was sure I wouldn’t be. We made it! It’s wonderful to be able to share all the pain with someone like you, as well as this awesome group!”

“It has been such a blessing having these groups to help fight this horrific disease! <3 Thank ya'll for all you do and your dedication!” Thank you for being part of this community!Thank you for reading our articles participating in our forums, sharing your stories, posting your questions, and commenting with encouragement and support to one another. Or even for stopping by to share updates and tell us how you are doing!Having a community like this is only possible through each and every one of you. Whether you’ve been here too many times to count, or this is your first time here – thank you for being part of this growing community.What does the hepatitis C community mean to you? We would love to hear your thoughts. Share with us in the comments below.
This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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