Words of My Daughter

Today, my daughter went looking back over her journal that she kept during her high school years. She came across this very special entry that she shared with me. With her permission, I want to share with you.

An old journal brings back memories

November 5, 2013

Today was an amazing day, why? Today was the day mom started her medicine for her trial.  We've waited for 2 years to get this drug and now mom finally has it.

It started today at 8am as we were driving down to the hospital. Not wanting to get our hopes up like last time. We weren't really sure of what the day would look like. The closer we got to the hospital the more the butterflies in my stomach started to flutter.

When we finally arrived we were both so nervous, walking to the elevator seemed impossible. We arrived in the doctor's office, mom had her blood drawn, took a urine sample, and we then waited in the waiting room.  Finally, Andrea (mom's research nurse) called us back to her office, she greeted us with a giant hug. At this point, Mom and I knew that she was getting the pills. We talked for a little bit, but got right to the chase. Mom filled out paperwork and ate a snack. Mom then took the pills that Andrea had in her hand, and just like that swallowed them. And started to cry. Not sad tears. These were happy tears. We all cried for a bit and soon mom and I left. Walking back from the hospital was when it finally clicked for me that mom was going to get better. I am so very proud of her - She is my hero.


Hep C affected the whole family

Tonight, as my daughter and I look back over this milestone, it really hits home as to just how much this disease has affected my whole family. I hear the words she has written and it makes me sad to know just how worried both of my kids were. When I was fighting my own fear, they too were fighting theirs. We have shared lots of tears through this journey and most of all we now share dreams of future things. I am looking forward to graduations, marriages, births, and most of all, witnessing my kids become all they were meant to be. I am blessed to have amazing children and so blessed to be cured of hep C - a disease that robbed my own mother from the rest of her life.  I live on to share our fight, our victory. Together, we are STRONG. I love you, Megan and Garrett; I am blessed to be your mom. May we continue to live our lives to the fullest and always focus on the positive things in life and do not take NO for an answer. We keep fighting for what we want in life and in health.

If you are struggling with the same issue, do not lose your hope. It is so easy to be set back with a negative report or denial for treatment, get up tighten those laces and keep moving forward. You can do this - just have the faith and willpower.

"Not without a FIGHT!~HCV~(c)"

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