The Importance of Self-Care with Hepatitis C
Taking care of ourselves is vitally important when dealing with hepatitis C. Learn the importance of self-care steps by avoiding what is harmful to your liver as well as what helps your liver.
I learned these important steps in self-care while dealing with hepatitis C, treatment, and recovery. These make a difference in your health and wellbeing, as well as help you build a stronger immune system.
Self-care steps
Some ideas include:
- Take rest breaks throughout the day, as needed. Listen to your body. If you're tired and fatigued, take a nap when possible. When naps are not possible due to work, take small breaks. Put your feet up, practice deep breathing, refresh with citrus-infused water.
- Journal: Journaling is a positive outlet that helps you release emotions and sort out your thoughts as you journey through hepatitis C.
- Set aside time each morning or evening for quiet time to read, meditate, or pray.
- Enjoy an activity that keeps your mind active and focused on something positive and uplifting. Take a mental health day and relax.
- Join a support group. Support groups offer encouragement and understanding from others who are going through similar experiences. Support helps someone not feel alone and isolated. It can play an important part in your healing journey.
- Talk to a professional counselor, pastor, or life coach if you need to help you work through emotional and mental stresses.
What harms the liver
The following can harm the liver. Your doctor may recommend avoiding:
- Alcohol: Alcohol is like throwing gasoline on the fire for those with liver disease. Avoid alcohol of all types and amounts.
- Drugs: Recreational drugs and some over-the-counter medications, supplements, and herbs can be harmful to your liver. Talk to your doctor about everything you are taking and exposed to.
- Smoking: Smoking has been reported to be harmful to your liver.1
- Processed foods and foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats.
- Eating raw or uncooked meats and shellfish.
What helps the liver
Your doctor may recommend:
- Drinking at least 64 ounces of pure water daily, or water infused with citrus.
- Losing weight if you are overweight.
- Eating a healthy nutritious liver-friendly diet. Eating smaller meals and healthy snacks.
- Getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
- Exercising
- Getting vaccinated for hepatitis A and B. Getting the annual flu vaccine.
Help your liver help you! Taking good care of your liver can help you fight hepatitis C and build a stronger immune system. Every step matters. You’re worth it, my friend!
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