Our Own Space

Our own space: Not to be confused with outer space or the space between our teeth, but more along the lines of the need to have our own space to dwell. Not meaning dwell as in a place of residence either, more along the lines of space to be alone in our thoughts, or time to contemplate things that make up the parts of our own personal journey. This is not about isolation, and as discussed in the past, isolation is never a good way to deal with anything as challenging as hep C. This space is the place where we take leave of the demands placed on us by ourselves or others, as we choose, but not exclusively that. Some people would suggest it is meditation or some other form, but it is something that I believe we all need to a greater or lesser degree.

I have read, as many of you have, about being comfortable in your own skin, which is analogous to being fine with your alone time. I believe the meaning is clear for us all, or at least I think it is.

Everyone has different needs for space

There is no bar set or anything to prove, and if you are a person who needs lots of social stimulus, that is fine too as long, as it is practical for you. It gets down to balance, once again, for me at least. Sometimes, I crave lots of social activity, while at other times, I just need that alone time-space. I think I have gotten into some situations where my expectations were not very realistic or practical, I confess. Expecting that others are there when you need or want them to be is just not fair, and I get it right most of the time, with a few exceptions.

Safe spaces

There are times when we would want to be there for others, even when we don’t really feel like it or feel so good physically or emotionally. The level of engagement in those circumstances is a personal choice we all make in the context of our level of commitment or interest, but like all other choices, there can be results that we never intend. As we have heard, these are a part of the law of unintended consequences, which are, by nature, the things that are unpredictable.

Perhaps none of this has ever crossed your mind at all, and I get it. You may avoid being alone or in your own space (as I call it), and I may overthink things too much at times and over-analyze in an effort to understand my own behavior and that of others. One thing I know for sure is that having enough down-time and time alone is important to me. It remains as important to me as it ever was; just as much as time spent with family and friends and in the community of people with hep C experience.

Do what works best for you, as always.

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