Do Not Lose Yourself Trying To Please Others

This topic came up this morning while talking to a friend. How often does one tend to neglect themselves while trying to care for another?

Pain, fatigue, and depression with hep C

Now whether you are sick or not, this happens in most people's lives. But in the life of a person fighting hepatitis C, it can drain your stamina quicker than quick. It does not mean stop caring for those around you, but this friend reminded me that if I constantly put into other’s tanks, I then lack to have anything left to put into my own. This starts leaving me with exhaustion, my emotions are all over the place like I have no control over them. Happy one second, crying the next. When this all begins, that is when the pain, fatigue, and depression set in.  I look around and become sad because I start wondering where is someone when I need them? I have put every ounce of energy into others I have nothing left for Kim.

Lessons I've learned

Feeling sorry for myself then, I turn away from those who truly do care about me all while thinking they do not.  It is hard for me to balance out my giving to others. That is my personality and who Kim is, but I am learning that I am not running on full body health here. I must take extra care of Kim first and foremost. If I do not, it takes me weeks to bounce back from despair and exhaustion. All of which I caused myself. No one I was giving to was holding me at gun point to help or be there for them. I chose that and now I am the only one to face the consequences.

Tips for self-care

Put yourself first each day, set aside time for just you, your thoughts, and time to exercise (do yoga or whatever). Then after you have taken that time, set a time limit on how much time you spend focusing on others. You can still do so much but cut the time back. I know those that you help would understand and frankly probably not even notice you went from an hour of your day to say 10 minutes. You must focus on your health, whether fighting and being treated for hep C or having cured and dealing with lasting effects of having the disease so long.

You are worthy of all good things in this life too ~ Sometimes we just need to be reminded of this!

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