A woman looks pleasantly surprised as she reads a letter that emits a warm glow.

The Unexpected Gift

The unexpected gift on Christmas. Many fighting hepatitis C can relate to the dream of one day being CURED of this disease... and to go on with your life and not worry that your liver health is further deteriorating.

A long battle with hep C

Recently, I received the most wonderful email from a woman who had been waiting for this ultimate gift for seven years. We will call her Sandy. She has underwent several rounds of the older, harsh regimens and cleared the virus, but then within a month after stopping the treatment, the dreadful news of it returning was back haunting her again. Sandy's body has suffered so much going through years of these harsh chemicals (older interferon and ribavirin). All Sandy said she wished for was a lease on a new beginning, a new life free of hepatitis C. This is what she wishes for the most.

Sandy shared that hepatitis C has robbed her of a joyful, happy, fun, energetic life. It has crippled her to the point that her joints and muscles hurt every minute of every day and her mind is clouded by brain fog. As I read her email. I could feel the tears she cried while writing her message. Life, for her, was now centered around her liver. Her family, her diet, her schedule, all around how she feels. I just wanted to reach through my computer screen to hug her, to let her know I “feel” her pain and sadness. I did not want her losing her hope for a cure.

A true miracle

Two days later, I received this email...

“Dear Ms. Bossley: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words of wisdom and support. Your faith and direction really helped me regain my direction and fight. Just after getting your email, I literally then opened up a letter/note from my doctor. It read: 'Dear Ms. “Sandy”, we are scheduling you for an appointment here in our office January 8th at 9 am. We are going to go over the protocol of the new treatment you will be placed on. Your insurance has approved 8 weeks of the treatment.  I am sure this comes to a great relief. We look forward to seeing you then and if you need to contact our office...'"

I read that and began to tear up. I knew what this meant to this Sandy. Opening this email felt like unwrapping the gift of all gifts.

The morale of the story

Many of you reading this are dreaming of the ultimate gift such as this. I am here to say that your time is coming. Do not lose hope or faith. It may look grim and bleak right now, but your gift of a cure is coming. Stay strong and stay positive. Your time will soon be here. Thank you to all those whom contact me and share their stories, it is because of you that I do what I do. I share your tears of sadness, fear, and uncertainty, but I also celebrate your victory as well. You are not alone. I appreciate the words shared to me and want you to know how special each and everyone are to me.

From my family to your... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let this new year be the year you see your victory. Stay strong and know I will be cheering you on.

Many Blessings,
Kimberly Morgan Bossley

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