Choosing Our Outcome

Today, I came across an email to my foundation from a gentleman on the west coast who was struggling with the fact he was diagnosed with hepatitis C. Most of this email I can not repeat, as it was filled with anger and was pulling up any negative feeling he could express. I sat a for a few moments, really “feeling” his cry for help.

First of all, I can relate. Upon learning about my own diagnosis with hepatitis C in 2005, I was mad. Very mad. My life as I knew it stopped as I left the doctors office with my so-called black paper of my fate. Then after losing my mom a year later, I was depressed and so so angry. The "why me" settled in my mind and I saw no hope, no light in the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I felt I was doomed.

Give people the space they need to process their diagnosis

It is totally normal to feel this emotion. At some point or another, I believe we all get angry. The anger can come out as the emotion but what we really feel deep down is fear. Not having control anymore.

But as it sinks into our minds and daily life it is important to seek help from someone regarding this newly potentially life changing event. It found it's better to seek out someone, a peer who was in my shoes and who can know and give ways to cope. You do not have to suffer in silence.

Providing people support to take actions after diagnosis

After reaching back out to this gentleman, we had serval really good talks about his diagnosis, and projected treatment in the future.

At first, he was denying treatment. This too was speaking out of anger and fear. But after I let him know the serious part of this is catching it early was protecting his liver from further more serious damage. The sooner he was to get into a doctor to treat this, the sooner his life goes back to normal.

I will say that anyone in this situation will be faced with various stresses and decisions. Take a breath, and know you are not alone. We are here to encourage, cry or even listen to you let out the anger you are feeling. Bottom line, the sooner you come to terms the sooner your life can return to normal, Choices made today can reflect your health tomorrow

Don’t give up ~ this is not your end ~ Get your cure

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