Hi . Geonotype 3b can be difficult to treat, but that doesn't mean treatment can't be successful. Have you had any treatment at all yet? If so, has your doctor suggested any new or different treatment since then? Have you had your viral load tested recently?
Researchers are actively looking for new ways to treat genotype 3b, especially since they are seeing more of it these days. Here is an article about some recent research that might help you feel hopeful about the possibilty that there will eventually be new treatments in the pipeline: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jvi.00925-23#:~:text=HCV%20genotype%203b%20is%20a,disease%20and%20resistance%20to%20antivirals.
We are not medical experts and I haven't found anything about new treatments in our archives, but that does not mean they are not out there. Please advocate for yourself with your health care team and if they are not knowledgable enough, seek out someone who is more familiar with hep C for another opinion. You deserve the best possible care. You might also consider getting involved in clinical trials of new treatments. Here is an article about clinical trials: https://hepatitisc.net/clinical/clinical-trials-as-treatment-option.
I wish we could be of more help. I hope you are not progressing or that, if you are, you find some novel kind of treatment soon that helps. Please know we are here for you whenever you need support or a safe place to vent. Keep us posted. I will be thinking of you and your family. - Lori (Team Member)